Deflected Affection – Limited Affection
It took me years within a relationship where my touch, and loving affection or playful sexual suggestions or any attempts to seduce were always turned away, for me to consider that was not normal, nor was it conducive for building a lasting fulfilling romantic relationship.
I was limited from expressing my love. My desires were shut down and rejected 100% of the time.
I was not allowed to need or want any contact, connection, affection or love. If I did and expressed it I was systematically deflected. Which is just not a normal balanced rhythm within a love relationship.
Consciously or not, it was a manipulative tactic for my partner to always take the upper and reject me if I moved even the slightest bit towards him, in bed, in daily life, even if I called him on the phone. So I learned to not reach since any reaching toward him on my part led to rejection. I got what I termed, "The Dead Bug" response if I leaned towards him for a hug, or reached out to sooth or rub his back at night, his response was to recoil, contract his muscles and draw his curled fists up to his shoulders and declare he was too ticklish.
The odd thing was as long as he wanted affection or contact, or when he felt horny, none of this was a problem. He could ask for massages and receive them when he was willing. His reaction to me only happened when I reached towards him. He could not bare me reaching out to him, because he saw it as my needing or wanting something from him. So I never got the satisfaction of having sex when I really wanted it, because it was an automatic rejection if I let him know I was interested. He would say, "I am not your sex object". If I called him he was never interested in speaking over the phone, he either refused to answer for days and weeks at a time in the beginning it was often for a few months, or he was often rude and cold in tone and content. He would say, "I don't need to hear from you. I don't need to be reassured you love me" or "yeah, what do you want!?" in an obnoxious tone. So I learned to not call him. No matter how many times I gave up and let go figuring it was over, eventually he called me. I had a hard time rejecting him, because I knew what it felt like. And that was the unspoken conditioning that played out.
He had to have the control over when and how much contact we had, which just did not feel reasonable nor fulfilling to me. It caused me a lot of pain and I brought it to his attention many times. It became the reason for dissolution a number of times, he just could not ever be responsive to me if I wanted or reached. A good percent of who I am was shut down and not allowed in that relationship.
Eventually I began to see that any form of control across the board like that is a way to declare power over another, to control them, to control the relationship. Insisting on power over another sets up a hierarchy a power that can be implemented at any time to withhold any divvied out affection.
Glad you recognized that you did not want or deserve that kind of energy. Sounds like that partner may have had some unaddressed abuse issues. So many, many of us do. Its a life-long healing process, isn't it? I am happy you are bold enough to speak up. Peace.
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